Abbey Gate Anniversary Offers Reminder to Support Combat-Injured Veterans
Ask your lawmakers to make a long-overdue fix and end an unjust offset faced by tens of thousands of veterans.
Ask your lawmakers to make a long-overdue fix and end an unjust offset faced by tens of thousands of veterans.
She served as a tireless advocate for combat-injured veterans in support of legislation bearing her husband’s name.
Reach out to your lawmakers today and ask them to include the Major Richard Star Act in the must-pass NDAA.
MOAA supports plans for generational reform to the pay table. Here’s what the math could mean to those who serve.
Restoring this earned benefit would help servicemembers and families who need our support the most. Learn how you can help.
New rules will allow more vets to access a key support program. Learn what’s next on MOAA’s priority list for VA beneficiaries.
We’re working to improve junior enlisted pay, restore the housing allowance, and support combat-injured veterans. Add your voice.
Unfinished business abounds with lawmakers gone until September.
A recent roundtable outside Washington, D.C., offered a chance for stakeholders to voice their concerns.
Congress left for its summer recess without advancing the comprehensive Dole Act. Ask your lawmakers to act today.
These continuing resolutions have been a regular feature for decades. It’s time for Congress to do its job.
Find out what’s next for your lawmakers, and learn how you can make a difference for MOAA’s top legislative priorities.