Overview of Survivor Payments After a Military Retiree’s Death

Overview of Survivor Payments After a Military Retiree’s Death

When a military service retiree dies, the flurry of payment activity by two federal bureaucracies, who provide no explanation, can be confusing and frustrating to say the least. Here is a breakdown of what happens to the pay of the military survivor:

Arrears of Pay (the last retired pay deposit after the retiree’s death)


  • Last month of retired pay is removed by Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
  • Retired pay audited
  • Recalculated retired pay for the final days of life in the last pay month is re-deposited to your account

Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)


  • Paid monthly upon application from the time of death — 90 to 180 days after death; retro pay is applied

Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)


  • Paid upon VA application approval after the servicemember’s death; six months to a year
  • Retro pay since time of death to point where monthly pay started
  • VA notifies DFAS of DIC payments

SBP/DIC Offset


  • DIC amount subtracted from SBP amount going forward
  • Payment of retro DIC means prior SBP payments must be reduced; SBP/DIC offset is applied to past SBP payments due to retro period of DIC payments
  • Overpayment of past SBP recovered by DFAS
  • Refund of SBP premiums paid to survivor due to reduced SBP benefit; taxable one-time lump-sum
  • Overpayment of retro SBP is subtracted from refund of premium amount; could be payment or debt

Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance (SSIA)


  • Payment of monthly SSIA added to SBP payment; helps ease pain of SBP/DIC offset

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