Election Support Services RFP - Addendum

Q. Is every voter voting on the same thing?

A. Yes. 12 candidates for the board positions and any resolutions or bylaw changes.


Q. Can you tell me the number of candidates or an estimated number of candidates for each race?

A. 12


Q. Historically, how many numbers of resolutions and by law changes have there been each year? We understand that you cannot provide that exact number for this RFP but if we can get an average of previous years, it would be very helpful.

A. Usually 5 to 10 resolutions & bylaws changes.


Q. Do you have a sample ballot that you can provide us?

A. Yes – see here


Q. Are there any eligible voters that do not receive your Military Officers magazine?

A. Yes, those who have opted not to receive the Military Officer magazine.


Q. Does the vendor directly email the voters instructions for voting electronically?

A. Yes. We also include instructions in the August 2020 cover wrap issue of the magazine that includes the ballot.


Q. Will the election vendor be responsible for printing any biographical or supplemental information beyond the ballot?

A. No. The cover wrap that includes photo and bios of 12 nominees, and any resolution and bylaw changes for voting is designed by MOAA graphics team.


Q. Is the Governing Law clause negotiable if organization is not in the state of Virginia?

A. Yes, however we would favor an organization that agreed to Virginia Law.


Q. Does MOAA expect the dimensions of the ballot card to exceed the maximum dimensions of a post office defined "postcard" (4-1/4 inches high x 6 inches long)?

A. Ballots will be sized to fit entirely within the MOAA magazine, a standard sized publication (8" by 10.5"). [2.3.1. Printed ballots. Page 8 of RFP]


Q. Is there is any negotiating on the terms and conditions?

A. Will consider suggested changes.