2022 MOAA Levels of Excellence Award Application

The application for the 2022 LOE Awards is now closed. Thank you for your interest. Please be on the lookout for information about next year's application.


The Levels of Excellence (LOE) Award is one of MOAA’s most prestigious awards earned by selfnominating councils and chapters. The award is a lookback on 2022 calendar year programs, initiatives and successful experiences shared by council and chapter leaders. Councils and chapters may submit their LOE applications via web-based portal. Only one LOE submission per council or chapter will be accepted.


Please review the criteria carefully as there have been substantial changes to the submission requirements. Important note: Affiliate performance in 2022 prior to the publication date of this updated guidance will not adversely affect scores using the new criteria but may be considered to the advantage of the affiliate.


Important Criteria and Scoring Changes

  • LOE’s will be awarded in three levels: 3 STAR, 4 STAR, and 5 STAR.
  • Subjective criteria will be weighted more heavily than objective criteria:
    • Chapters - Objective maximum = 75 points; Subjective maximum = 150 points
    • Councils - Objective maximum = 50 points; Subjective maximum = 100 points
  • Council presidents are requested to provide a short assessment of member chapters that submit entries, which will also be considered by the judges and added to the subjective score. MOAA National staff will coordinate assessments for chapters that do not belong to a council or do not receive an assessment for any other reason. Assessment instructions: 
    • Download this Microsoft Word document and use it to complete the assessment.
    • Submit one report on each member chapter that has applied for a 2022 LOE.
    • After the May 1 submission deadline, we will send you a complete list of those chapters that have applied.
    • If you don’t know which chapters have applied and want to know sooner than May, please ask us at chapters@moaa.org.
    • The Council President in place during the application period (March 20-May 1, 2023) is responsible for submitting the assessments, but may ask the immediate past Council President, Area Vice Presidents, or other council officers to complete the assessments if desired.
    • Your assessment is independent of the chapter’s LOE submission.  It is not an endorsement of their self-nomination.  It is to be based on your observations throughout the program year.
    • While we do not expect you to rank your chapters, please consider the average performance of all chapters in your council (not just those that nominated themselves for an LOE award) when considering your scores.
    • Comments are optional but could be helpful in understanding your scores.
    • Please forward visit report/notes (referred to in question 3) with each chapter assessment IF you prepared them.
    • Save electronic assessment forms, or scan handwritten assessment forms, and email to chapters@moaa.org by June 1, 2023.

      [ASSESSMENT FORM: Microsoft Word Download]

  • Reports from past national and council visits, if any, will be reviewed by the judges for possible extra points in the subjective scoring section.