COLA Update: 2026 Retiree Pay Adjustment Trending Toward 5-Year Low
As inflation slows, the pay boost could settle near pre-pandemic levels. Learn where it stands ... and how to keep track of trends.
Ready to make the move? This expert advice can help.
Download a copy of our Estate Planning Guide (Premium/Life member exclusive).
Retirement planning is the process of developing your retirement investing and savings goals and programs for a future retirement. Plus, it will help you create income and make your assets last throughout your retirement years. Sources of retirement income can include:
Even if you plan to make the military a career, don't assume that you military retired pay and Social Security will be enough to meet your needs. Too many people wait until their mid-to-late 40s to start seriously planning their retirement. This is a big mistake. Saving $250 a month at age 25 will yield approximately $872,000 at age 65 with an 8 percent return. Waiting until age 45 to start saving yields only $147,000 at age 65 - a $725,000 difference!
Below you'll find articles, publications, links and more as you begin your planning. Some of the resources are available only to MOAA Premium and Life members; click to learn more about the benefits of membership.
As inflation slows, the pay boost could settle near pre-pandemic levels. Learn where it stands ... and how to keep track of trends.
The move will give TSP users more options for tax and retirement planning.
Find out the new annual limits, and get up to speed on big updates to the catch-up contribution rules.
From sorting out finances to finding a purpose in later years, these tips may help with a sometimes-worrying journey.
MOAA's financial expert breaks down your options.
Developing a plan can help ensure your golden years meet your expectations. Here's how to prepare.