About the MOAA Foundation

Heritage Society

The MOAA Foundation touches the lives of over 50,000 military families each year. In 2015, MOAA received its second of two national “Summit Awards” from the prestigious American Society of Association Executives, the nation’s premier professional body for associations. Only two members of the 9,200-member organization have ever received two Summit Awards. MOAA received a Summit Award in 2012 for its Career Transition program and a second award in 2015 for its Military Caregiver Program. Both programs are part of the portfolio of programs supported by funding from the the MOAA Foundation.

The MOAA Foundation Mission
The MOAA Foundation creates, enhances, expands, or supports high-impact, proven-successful programs and services that enable the nation’s uniformed servicemembers and veterans of all ranks and their families to maintain a quality of life reflective of their selfless service to America. The foundation funds these programs and services through philanthropic contributions from the American people and organizations that support our mission.

Addressing the Need
MOAA is one of the nation’s most highly respected advocacy organizations dedicated to a strong national defense. Nothing is more important to that national defense than the welfare of our military families. Since the all-volunteer force was created in 1973, the nation has endured approximately 150 military deployments. Prior to that, between 1946 and 1973 during the draft years, there were just 19.  That’s a seven-fold increase in operations tempo.

At the same time, we’ve seen a growing isolation of the uniformed services community within our society. Only 0.5 percent of Americans now serve on active duty. This means that today, after the longest period of sustained combat in U.S. history, fewer Americans are serving in uniform than at any time since before World War II.  

Sequestration, reductions in force, and base closures loom while DoD and the VA undergo significant budget cuts and protracted systemic change. These budget cuts invariably hurt the troops who do the fighting. These alarming trends make it clear the nation’s most respected veterans’ organizations must step up to bridge the ever-widening gap between our nation’s military community and American society. To help meet this urgent and growing need, MOAA has created the MOAA Foundation, a philanthropic foundation supported by you. Please donate today and Never Stop Serving! 

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All donations are tax deductible.

You can also donate by emailing Col. Mike Turner, USAF (Ret) at  moaafoundation@moaa.org or calling (800)234-MOAA (6622), ext 115.