Third Short-Term Funding Extension Will Keep Government Open Until March

Third Short-Term Funding Extension Will Keep Government Open Until March
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President Joe Biden signed legislation Jan. 19 to temporarily extend federal funding into March, averting a partial government shutdown.  


The House and Senate approved the continuing resolution in bipartisan votes after congressional leaders reached a broader agreement on spending levels through September 2024. The stopgap measure buys lawmakers additional time to finalize the $1.59 trillion appropriations legislation and clear both chambers. 


The continuing resolution finances federal operations at current levels through March 1 for most agencies and March 8 for others, including DoD. This marks the third short-term extension since September. 


[WRITE YOUR LAWMAKERS: Tell Congress to Fund Our Government] 



The latest continuing resolution staves off imminent funding disruption while negotiations proceed on the broader spending package. Lawmakers will utilize the coming weeks to translate the agreed budget framework into detailed appropriations language needed to keep the government running past March.  


Congress must reach a funding deal by April 30 to avoid an automatic 1% across-the-board budget cut, as required by the Fiscal Responsibility Act passed in June 2023. MOAA urges all members to contact their lawmakers immediately and demand they finalize full-year appropriations to avert further disruption.  


Write your lawmakers today to make your voice heard – Congress needs to pass the funding bills our community relies upon. 


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About the Author

Cory Titus
Cory Titus

Titus separated from the Army in 2017 as a captain and is MOAA's Director of Government Relations for Servicemember Compensation and Veteran Benefits. He is currently studying social entrepreneurship at George Mason University with a focus on improving military financial education.