General Session
Membership and Marketing Update (PDF)
Kathy Partain, VP of Membership and Marketing, introduces MOAA’s new marketing campaign with the “Why MOAA” video and explains how to use this as a chapter marketing tool. She also provides an update to the MOAA’s membership model and describes the services and products available at each membership level — Basic, Premium, and Life and reviews common recruiting and marketing challenges.
Council and Chapter Affairs Update (PDF)
Council and Chapter Affairs Director Col. Barry Wright, USA (Ret), provides an operational overview of MOAA’s 400+ chapters. Wright reviews Chapter Recruiting 2014 and describes new tools chapter leaders can use. MOAA’s goal to achieve chapter influence in every congressional district is discussed, and updates and refinements to Chapter Recruiting 2015 are provided. Wright also reviews why new chapter members should join national MOAA.
Leaders' Workshops
Chapter-Management Workshop (PDF)
This presentation covers the importance of the chapter and council system, chapter organization, grassroots legislative support, community involvement, and ways national MOAA supports and communicates with its chapters.
Membership Chair Workshop (PDF)
This presentation covers common recruiting and retention challenges chapter leaders face. Included are details on Chapter Recruiting Program and tools recruiting chairs can use. The role of good communication and the future of the council and chapter system also are examined.
Legislative Chair/Liaison Workshop (PDF)
MOAA’s Director of Government Relations Col. Dan Merry, USAF (Ret), describes how legislative chairs/liaisons influence national and state legislation and how national MOAA identifies legislative priorities and works to influence them. This presentation also examines online informational resources and tools and ways to identify and influence state-level legislation.
Outbriefs from Leaders' Workshops
Meeting the Membership Challenge (PDF)
Council and Chapter Affairs Director Col. Barry Wright, USA (Ret), reviews recommendations and best practices from Leaders’ Workshop on helping chapter leaders’ find ways to recruit and retain the next generation of chapter members.
Legislative Chair/Liaison Workshop Outbrief and Legislative Update (PDF)
Col. Dan Merry, USAF (Ret), MOAA’s director of Government Relations, outlines the role of council and chapter legislative chairs/liaisons. He also discusses MOAA’s goal to achieve chapter influence in every congressional district and outlines four yearly events legislative chairs/liaisons should participate in or support. Participants give their recommendations on how to influence national and state legislation and new legislative tools that are needed. Hayden also provides a legislative update from national MOAA that covers the current environment on Capitol Hill, major legislative victories achieved in the last decade, current legislative threats, and what to expect on the national legislative front during the next five years.
White Label Template (PDF)
Jonathan Withington, VP Communications, provides an overview of the White Label Template- an E-newsletter designed for those chapters who have limited resources to develop a newsletter as well as a repository of MOAA National content for use by those chapters who have a more robust newsletter. Withington explains that this a 6 month pilot program to assess viability for future chapter use.
Benefits Information Briefing (PDF)
Lt. Col. Shane Ostrom, USAF (Ret), deputy director of MOAA’s Transition Center, outlines his department’s missions, outreach programs, publications, and services. The importance of having a chapter-run personal affairs committee is examined.
Spouse Information
Spouse Benefits Briefing (PDF)
Lt. Col. Shane Ostrom, USAF (Ret), deputy director of MOAA’s Transition Center, provides an in-depth look into programs available to spouses of members as well as other personal affairs issues relevant to spouses to include SBP, DIC, remarriage, etc. He also outlines his department’s missions, outreach programs, publications, and services.
Partner Presentations
Gina Jurek, USAA Lead Account Manager, provides an update on the USAA Chapter Sponsorship Program and outlines steps for easy application submission.