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Have a Long Term Care Insurance Expert Speak at Your Chapter Meeting
How many of your Chapter Members will be impacted by long term care someday?
Help them understand Long Term Care Insurance now before they need it
Chances are 7 out of 10 of your Chapter Members will need long term care by the time they’re age 65 or older. Long term care usually includes assistance with the activities of daily living, homemaker services or skilled nursing care either in their own home, nursing home or assisted living facility.*
In general, this type of care can be costly.
The average cost for nursing home care in a semi-private room is $74,000 per year; and $19,000 a year for just three visits from a home health aide each week.*
Health insurance doesn’t cover it
Many of your members may have the false sense of security that their basic health insurance, Medicare or TRICARE For Life will pay for their long term care. But most plans limit this type of care.
Without insurance in place to help pay for their care, many members may have to dip into their retirement assets and savings to pay for it.
That’s where long term care insurance can help. Long term care insurance can help pay for nursing home care, skilled nursing care, homemaker services and/or home health care.
But how will your members know if they need it? And if so, what type, how much or where can they purchase long term care insurance? Can they afford it?
Now there’s help educating your Chapter Members about this important subject so they can make informed decisions about their future.
Help your members plan for it with a MOAA-endorsed resource
As a benefit of MOAA membership, MOAA has partnered with Long Term Care Resources (LTCR) to offer members access to affordable long term care insurance through the MOAA sponsored Long Term Care Insurance Program. MOAA was able to leverage their buying power to give you better pricing than what is available to the general public.
LTCR is a national insurance agency specializing in marketing long term care insurance to affinity groups and the senior market. As part of MOAA’s agreement with LTCR, your chapter can request to have a representative from LTCR speak with your members at an upcoming meeting.
LTCR representatives are licensed and educated about long term care and long term care insurance. They can provide your members with unbiased guidance and advice.
A visit from a LTCR representative can help your members understand the following:
- Their risks associated with long term care
- The cost of care in your area of the country
- How long term care insurance works
- The basics of long term care insurance, benefits and deductibles available
- The multiple plan design options and insurance carriers who offer this type of insurance
Plus, having a LTCR representative speak at your Chapter meeting is a free service and your members will never be pressured or obligated to buy. If they’re interested in obtaining additional information or quotes for the insurance, the LTCR representative can make other arrangements to speak individually with your members, too.
So if you’re looking for a timely and valuable topic for your members for an upcoming chapter meeting, submit a meeting request for a LTCR representative to visit you. Or you can call 1-888-866-0620 to make arrangements. FREE long term care planning guides for you and your members are also available for download at
*National Clearinghouse for Long Term Care Information,