Chapter Officer Positions



  • serve as the chapter’s chief elected officer;
  • preside at meetings of the chapter and of the board of directors;
  • appoint all standing and special committees except the nominating committee;
  • serve as an ex-officio member, with the right to vote, on all committees except the nominating committee;
  • communicate to the chapter or to the board of directors information or proposals that would help the chapter achieve its mission;
  • serve as the chapter’s principal delegate to the state council of chapters;
  • appoint liaison representatives to local military bases by formal letter to the base commander, when or where appropriate;
  • ensure an updated chapter officer list is submitted to national MOAA every year;
  • ensure the chapter has a designated legislative chair/liaison, membership chair, and surviving spouse liaison and that their respective names/email addresses are in national MOAA’s database;
  • ensure the chapter sponsors at least 10 programs/events per calendar year;
  • ensure the chapter has a leadership succession plan;
  • ensure the chapter is actively engaged in programs/projects that enhance the image of the chapter and MOAA; and
  • perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the president, such as:
    • seeking and identifying members to join the chapter board of directors;
    • preparing chapter social/board meeting agendas;
    • serving as chapter liaison/representative with national MOAA, local veterans’/military organizations, and local community/civic organizations;
    • ensuring compliance with chapter policies and procedures as outlined in applicable documents and references;
    • overseeing recognition and awards programs;
    • appointing members to non-committee chapter billets;
    • providing input to the chapter newsletter;
    • overseeing the preparation and timely submission of the Levels of Excellence application;
    • providing guidance to chapter committees (e.g., intent, scope, budget, etcetera).


First and Second Vice President

(Note: These responsibilities might be consolidated for flexibility and should be apportioned as the as the president deems appropriate.) The vice presidents’ responsibilities are

  • perform the duties of the next higher office should it be vacated, either temporarily or permanently;
  • serve as a member of the board of directors;
  • consider new satellite development; and
  • perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the vice president, such as:
    • being knowledgeable of the president’s responsibilities, and, as required, represent the chapter at local/state/national events in the president’s absence;
    • serving as a chair or member of committees, as necessary;
    • chairing ad-hoc committees involved in review of chapter policies and procedures (e.g., chapter bylaws, chapter operations handbook, etcetera);
    • performing an annual independent audit of the chapter’s financial records; and
    • performing other duties the president might assign.



The secretary’s responsibilities are:

  • provide members with timely written notification of all annual, regular, and special chapter meetings, generally by means of a chapter newsletter (Typically, it is not advisable for the secretary to also serve as editor of the chapter newsletter.);
  • maintain a record of all proceedings at chapter meetings;
  • provide board members with timely written notification of all meetings of the board of directors;
  • maintain a record of all proceedings at board meetings;
  • process membership applications and resignations;
  • maintain or oversee the maintenance of chapter membership records and ensure a list of chapter members is sent to national MOAA’s Council and Chapter Affairs Department at least once a year;
  • prepare required correspondence;
  • maintain a chapter’s correspondence files;
  • prepare reports and returns as required by law;
  • maintain and safeguard all important records and legal documents, and ensure they are passed on to a successor;
  • perform other duties that are commensurate with the office or as might be assigned by the board of directors or the president;
  • ensure updated chapter officer information is furnished to national MOAA’s Council and Chapter Affairs Department as soon as possible following leadership changes by submitting a Council/Chapter Officer Form;
  • maintain and safeguard valuable equipment (such as U.S. and chapter flags) belonging to the chapter; and
  • perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the secretary, such as:
    • sending draft/final minutes of monthly meetings to the board of directors/all members;
    • coordinating with the membership chair and roster contact on changes to the membership roster;
    • checking the chapter’s PO box weekly;
    • handling all administrative tasks at meetings (sign-ins, name tags, etcetera); and
    • managing raffles and door-prize drawings at monthly meetings.



The treasurer’s responsibilities are

  • collect annual dues;
  • maintain a record of all monies received and expended by the chapter;
  • make disbursements authorized by the chapter or board of directors;
  • deposit all sums received in a financial institution approved by the board of directors;
  • make a financial report at the annual meeting or when requested by the president;
  • recommend to the board of directors, when appropriate, new or revised financial policies;
  • recommend to the board of directors, for approval prior to an annual meeting, a budget for the next calendar year;
  • recommend to the board of directors, when appropriate, changes to an approved budget;
  • ensure the chapter has an electronic funds transfer account established with national MOAA;
  • consider participation in national MOAA’s online chapter membership dues collection program; and
  • perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the treasurer, such as:
    • filing the chapter’s annual federal income tax return;
    • providing a financial report at monthly chapter board meetings;
    • providing financial records for periodic audits;
    • maintaining historical files relative to the treasurer responsibilities;
    • filing state organizational corporation and tax exemption status;
    • sending dues reminder to each member;
    • providing periodic dues status updates to the membership committee chair to identify those members who are delinquent;
    • performing follows-ups with delinquent members to request they renew their dues; and
    • performing other duties the president might assign.



The Directors’ responsibilities are:

  • attend board meetings and serve as a voting member of the board of directors;
  • provide input to the president on issues of chapter management, finances, programs, and special matters, etcetera;
  • establish and review chapter bylaws, policies, procedures, operating instructions, and other guiding documents annually and make recommendations for revision as needed;
  • serve as a greeter at chapter functions; and
  • perform other duties the president might assign.


Immediate Past President

The Immediate past president’s responsibilities are:

  • serve as mentor to the president;
  • serve as voting member of the board of directors;
  • serve as chair for standing/ad hoc committees as needed by the president;
  • serve as a greeter at chapter functions; and
  • perform other duties, such as satellite development, as the president might assign.


Membership Committee Chair

The membership committee chair’s responsibilities are:

  • oversee the committee’s efforts to retain existing members and recruit new ones;
  • oversee the committee’s efforts to establish goals, plan and carry out membership-solicitation drives, and follow up on leads concerning potential members;
  • recruit committee members who will work together smoothly and productively;
  • ensure all chapter officers are national MOAA members;
  • maintain an accurate account of the percentage of chapter members that are national MOAA members;
  • Submit a written description of the chapter’s recruiting/retention level of effort and results to the president annually for inclusion in the chapter’s Levels of Excellence award submission;
  • perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the membership committee chair, such as:
    • coordinating with the roster contact and secretary regarding changes to the membership roster;
    • reporting pertinent membership information to national MOAA (deceased members, changed contact information, etcetera) in a timely manner;
    • providing requisite reports to the president and board of directors;
    • reporting new members to national MOAA via the MOAA Web Base;
    • reporting chapter member deaths to national MOAA using the MOAA TAPS form;
    • aiding new members with the national/chapter membership process as needed;
    • aiding members with the national/chapter membership renewal process as needed;
    • developing a chapter recruiting brochure;
    • participating in local/regional events to recruit new members; and
    • performing other duties the president might assign.


Programs Committee Chair 

The programs committee chair’s responsibilities are:

  • oversee the committee’s efforts to plan and execute a program of activities in consonance with the purposes of the chapter and the desires of the membership;
  • have a speaker in reserve who is available on short notice;
  • recruit committee members who will work together smoothly and productively;
  • perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the programs committee chair, such as:
    • developing programs, schedules, dates, locations, menus, etcetera for chapter meetings;
    • coordinating audio/visual requirements to suit each program’s requirements;
    • providing requisite reports to the president and board of directors;
    • sending out meeting and activity reminders by email to the membership (or by regular mail or phone calls to those who don’t use email);
    • planning and/or coordinating other chapter activities;
    • submitting monthly meeting announcements to the local newspaper and chapter newsletter;
    • receiving and recording reservations for luncheons/dinners;
    • notifying restaurants of monthly luncheon/dinner orders and attendee counts;
    • assisting with monthly meeting set-up and closure (e.g., flags, podium, etcetera);
    • arranging for workshops and other special activities; and
    • performing other duties the president might assign.


Legislative Committee Chair

The legislative committee chair’s responsibilities are:

  • commit time to serve as a personal point of contact to a member of congress; if the chapter covers multiple districts, a legislative chair may be designated to oversee the individual legislative liaisons
  • reside in the congressional district of the representative;
  • be the grassroots face of MOAA to advocate for MOAA initiatives and educate representatives on key bills;
  • monitor local, state, and national legislative developments that might affect service retirees and active duty personnel and their families or national security
  • keep the chapter’s board and members informed about legislative developments of particular interest;
  • recommend to the board, when appropriate, new or revised policies or objectives in the field of legislative affairs;
  • execute tasks related to lobbying that the board of directors might direct or authorize;
  • liaise with other local organizations concerned with military or veterans’ affairs or retiree issues, with goal of obtaining their support for the achievement of the chapter’s legislative objectives;
  • liaise with the legislative committee of the state council of chapters and with the national MOAA Government Relations Department regarding state and national political offices on matters vitally affecting service retirees or national security;
  • ascertain and disseminate to chapter members, but not to the general public, the records and positions on matters vitally affecting service retirees or national security of candidates for local, state, and national political offices;
  • as much as possible, establish and maintain good working relationships with local, state, and national legislators (and their key assistants) representing voters in a chapter area;
  • ensure committee monitoring of legislative developments at each of the three levels of government: local, state, and federal (For example, at the local level, follow local city elections.);
  • follow statewide legislative matters as they relate to veterans’ issues, taxes on military retired pay, and support for military families;
  • assign one or more legislative liaisons to maintain contact with congressional representatives in a chapter’s area;
  • recruit committee members who will work together smoothly and productively;
  • submit a written description of the legislative affairs program’s level of effort and results to the president annually for inclusion in the chapter’s Levels of Excellence award submission; and
  • perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the legislative liaison, such as providing articles for chapter newsletter on legislative news and issues.


Personal Affairs Committee Chair/Officer

(Note: If a personal affairs committee is not established within a chapter, designating a personal affairs officer is strongly encouraged.)

The personal affairs committee chair/officer’s responsibilities are:

  • serve as the primary point of contact for issues associated with military rights and entitlements, with special emphasis on survivor benefits information;
  • when called upon, provide information to members and survivors about their entitlements;
  • when called upon, help members and survivors in the submission of inquiries, applications, and claims to governmental agencies such as the VA, military personnel offices and finance centers, and Social Security offices;
  • in a case of serious illness or death, express sympathy to the next-of-kin and offer assistance as needed;
  • keep members informed, generally by means of a chapter’s newsletter, about facilities and services available in the area such as commissaries, exchanges, hospitals, dispensaries, and officers’ clubs;
  • recruit committee members who will work together smoothly and productively;
  • submit a written description of the personal affairs program to the president annually for inclusion in the chapter’s Levels of Excellence award submission; and
  • perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the personal affairs committee chair, such as:
    • ensuring chapter members understand the scope and depth of personal affairs assistance and resources available to them;
    • keeping the chapter informed of members who are seriously ill, pending surgery or prolonged treatment, or have died (to include memorial service details);
    • updating chapter members whenever there are changes to personal affairs assistance and resources;
    • maintaining an up-to-date electronic library of publications (e.g., MOAA and federal/state/local government publications, etcetera) covering applicable member benefits and entitlements; and
    • performing other duties the president might assign.


Surviving Spouse Liaison

The surviving spouse liaison’s responsibilities are:

  • serve as primary point of contact on legislative and benefits-information issues concerning surviving spouses;
  • work directly with the national association’s Surviving Spouse Advisory Committee (SSAC); and
  • perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the surviving spouse liaison, such as:
    • serving as a liaison/central point of contact for surviving spouse members with national MOAA, the state council, and other applicable organizations;
    • assisting the president with all surviving spouse matters;
    • coordinating activities among surviving spouse members and providing leadership;
    • researching and responding to inquiries from surviving spouse members regarding their interests or concerns;
    • providing articles for chapter newsletter on surviving spouse matters;
    • assisting the membership chair with recruiting surviving spouses;
    • mailing letters/cards to surviving spouse members without email access to inform them of upcoming surviving spouse chapter events and encourage their participation;
    • contacting surviving spouse members with information received from the SSAC and the national MOAA Government Relations Department;
    • contacting recently widowed spouses to provide information about surviving spouse MOAA membership and invite them to participate;
    • sending sympathy cards to recent widows and get-well cards to surviving spouse members recovering from surgery and/or illness;
    • soliciting financial support from the chapter for surviving spouse member projects; and
    • performing other duties the president might assign.


Transition Liaison/Networking Coordinator

The transition liaison’s responsibilities are:

  • provide transition assistance to servicemembers;
  • serve as primary point of contact in the chapter for MOAA members and their spouses who are in the process of relocating to the chapter’s geographic area;
  • share all job opportunities with the state council’s transition liaison and national MOAA; and
  • perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the transition liaison, such as:
    • serving as chapter point of contact for the transition liaison;
    • forwarding information deemed appropriate for dissemination to chapter members;
    • providing articles for chapter newsletter on transition news and issues; and
    • performing other duties the president might assign.


Roster Contact*

The roster contact’s responsibilities are:

  • submit an up-to-date chapter membership roster to national MOAA’s Council and Chapter Affairs Department no later than Jan. 31 each year; and
  • perform other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the roster contact, such as:
    • maintaining the chapter’s membership roster;
    • coordinating with the membership chair and secretary regarding changes to the membership roster;
    • forwarding an updated membership roster to the board of directors and committee chairs whenever substantive changes are made; and
    • performing other duties the president might assign.

* These responsibilities may be accomplished by the membership chair or secretary.


Public Relations Liaison

The public relations liaison’s responsibilities are:

  • provide general information to local media outlets regarding chapter meeting dates, time, location, and contact/RSVP information;
  • provide specific information to local media outlets that will help promote upcoming chapter events (e.g., fundraisers, membership drives, etcetera);
  • provide information to local media outlets on the outcome of newsworthy chapter activities (e.g., veteran support projects, community service, scholarship award winners, etcetera);
  • develop a list of local community organizations the chapter wishes to support along with their up-to-date contact information;
  • provide periodic contact with supported organizations as needed; ensure all chapter activities are documented through photographs (and video, when appropriate), and share the most representative/inclusive photographs with the newsletter editor;
  • support mutual programs of interest; and
  • perform other duties the president might assign.



The chaplain’s responsibilities are:

  • provide invocations, benedictions, and other prayers as appropriate when requested at chapter meetings and events;
  • keep the president informed of the ways and extent to which the chapter can assist with requests the chaplain receives from members in need;
  • assist the personal affairs officer, if requested, in expressing sympathy to the next-of-kin and offer assistance as needed in cases of serious illness or death; and
  • perform other duties the president might assign.


Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)/Junior ROTC (JROTC) Liaison 

The ROTC/JROTC liaison’s responsibilities are:

  • develop a list of area schools that offer JROTC and ROTC programs with contact information, including commanders’ names, emails, phone numbers, etcetera;
  • contact each ROTC/JROTC school in your respective area and inform them of MOAA and its programs to recognize outstanding cadets, to include presenting medals, certificates, Gold Bars, etcetera;
  • order MOAA award sets (medals) from MOAA by Feb. 1 each year;
  • get in touch with the point of contact for each school to request the names of respective awardees and arrange award ceremony details;
  • coordinate MOAA presenters at school graduation ceremonies to present medals, etcetera, to cadets;
  • develop and maintain a continuity folder or book with detailed program policies and procedures;
  • order Gold Bars for newly commissioned officers from national MOAA by Feb. 1 each year;
  • provide articles on programs for the chapter newsletter;
  • order supplemental items as required (e.g., certificates, flags, etcetera);
  • brief program details and results during monthly chapter meeting;
  • offer, solicit, and coordinate MOAA guest speakers for ROTC/JROTC classes; and
  • perform other duties the president might assign.


Fundraising Committee Chair 

The fundraising committee chair’s responsibilities are:

  • oversee fundraising efforts specific to the chapter’s general fund;
  • coordinate with the president and the board of directors to determine fundraising needs (e.g., chapter social events, membership recruiting events, community service efforts, etcetera);
  • develop a fundraising plan relative to the determined need and present it to the president and the board of directors for review and approval;
  • work with the treasurer to set up and maintain a general fundraising account;
  • recruit committee members who will work together smoothly and productively; and
  • perform other duties the president might assign.


Scholarship Committee Chair

The scholarship committee chair’s responsibilities are:

  • develop scholarship application forms, including criteria and cover letters;
  • develop a list of applicable local schools with names of guidance counselors;
  • participate in monthly member meetings to explain scholarship program status and request donations;
  • work closely with the ROTC/JROTC liaison to ensure supported ROTC/JROTC units are aware of applicable chapter scholarship opportunities;
  • lead the scholarship committee efforts to review applications and determine winners;
  • coordinate with the treasurer to determine funds available for scholarships;
  • act as focal point for applicant questions;
  • develop and maintain a continuity folder or book with detailed program policies and procedures;
  • provide the status of selection process and the name of the eventual awardees to the board of directors and the newsletter editor;
  • oversee fundraising efforts specific to the chapter’s scholarship fund;
  • explore cooperative corporate/foundation fundraising opportunities;
  • announce and award scholarships to winners at the appropriate meeting;
  • invite winners and their family members to the scholarship award luncheon or dinner;
  • work with the treasurer to set up and maintain a scholarship fundraising account;
  • recruit committee members who will work together smoothly and productively; and
  • perform other duties the president might assign.


Newsletter Editor 

The newsletter editor’s responsibilities are:

  • solicit newsletter input from chapter officers, program chairs, liaisons, the chapter historian, members, etcetera;
  • provide a forum for items of interest for members who miss meetings;
  • manage the newsletter’s format and layout;
  • provide a forum to introduce new chapter members and chapter meeting guests;
  • solicit the most current contact information from the roster contact each month in preparation for newsletter distribution;
  • review local community calendar for items of interest for inclusion in the newsletter;
  • distribute PDF copies of the newsletter to those members with email accounts;
  • coordinate printing and distribution of hard-copy chapter newsletters; and
  • perform other duties the president might assign.



The webmaster’s responsibilities are:

  • review the Council and Chapter Communications section of the MOAA Web Base for information regarding establishing, improving, and promoting a chapter website;
  • keep the chapter’s website up-to-date;
  • keep chapter members informed of the chapter website address and content
  • solicit and coordinate input from chapter members; and
  • perform other duties the president might assign.


Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Liaison

The ESGR liaison’s responsibilities are:

  • become familiar with ESGR at;
  • participate in activities that both educate and recognize employers who are supportive of veterans, guardmembers, and reservists;
  • coordinate with prospective employers by offering opportunities to participate in job fairs;
  • facilitate, coordinate, and schedule ESGR-provided Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) training to employers on employment and reemployment rights of veterans, guardmembers, and reservists;
  • assist those veterans, guardmembers, and reservists having difficulty regaining reemployment and complete and submit a USERRA complaint for mediation. Note: Legal questions should be addressed by an ESGR ombudsman or an individual who has undergone specific training;
  • coordinate with ESGR to schedule a joint awards meeting;
  • assist ESGR in obtaining a statement of support from employers who agree to hire veterans and support guardmembers and reservists;
  • encourage MOAA member business leaders to sign a statement of support;
  • promote ESGR award presentations and statement of support signing ceremonies at MOAA meetings;
  • incorporate the importance of ESGR in chapter communications;
  • act as liaison for any support MOAA can provide to ESGR as regards employees or employers;
  • develop a chapter ESGR program and coordinate with ESGR state representatives;
  • assist ESGR state representatives and recruit local ESGR partners; and
  • perform other duties the president might assign.


Chapter Historian

The chapter historian’s responsibilities are:

  • assist with the preservation of the chapter’s key documents and historical records;
  • maintain a file of chapter officers, activities, and programs;
  • submit articles periodically for the chapter newsletter about chapter history;
  • assist the president with the preparation of the Levels of Excellence award submission;
  • submit noteworthy items to support and promote state chapters; and
  • perform other duties the president might assign.



The parliamentarian’s responsibilities are:

  • ensure proper meeting rules are followed;
  • advise the president, members, committees, and the board of directors on matters of parliamentary procedure, as requested;
  • maintain a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised and have it present along with a copy of the chapter bylaws whenever official chapter business is to be conducted;
  • inform the president of errors in parliamentary procedure if they affect the basic rights of members; and
  • perform other duties the president might assign.