Many MOAA chapters host golf tournaments to raise money for projects and programs that members support. Here are a few tips you can use to ensure your chapter hosts a profitable tournament.
- Start planning a year in advance to increase your chances of getting the course when the weather is comfortable.
- Pick a course and a golf pro who will work with you, and ask how many players you must have in order to hold a golf tournament.
- Work with the golf pro to figure out the markup to ensure the event is profitable.
- Pick a date, preferably on a weekend, to attract as many players as possible.
- Think of ways to maximize your profit, such as selling mulligans to players.
- Send out letters of invitation to potential players, and sign them up early. (Keep this list of names and addresses to use on next year's tournament.)
- Get individual and corporate sponsors. If your chapter has been awarded tax-exempt status by the IRS, include this fact when approaching potential donors.
- Publicize the event by contacting local newspapers, and TV and radio stations.
- Offer lots of prizes so players feel they have a good chance of winning something.
- Make the tournament fun and enjoyable. Offer snacks and refreshments prior to tee off and set up beverage stations throughout the course.
- Before awarding prizes, thank everyone who helped make the tournament a success. Also, mail thank-you cards to tournament sponsors.