How MOAA’s Work to Boost Spouse Employment Will Take Shape in the 119th Congress
The new session allows for new focus on this continuing challenge. Here’s a look at the advocacy landscape.
As MOAA's Director of Government Relations for Military Family and Survivor Policy, Jen Goodale is responsible for ensuring programs and policies designed to support uniformed service families address unique challenges these families face due to service. She manages and develops relationships to advance legislative priorities on the Hill, with DoD, and with other military and veterans service organizations. She also advises MOAA's Currently Serving Spouse Advisory Council.
The new session allows for new focus on this continuing challenge. Here’s a look at the advocacy landscape.
Grassroots advocacy will help move our agenda forward in the 119th Congress. Here’s how.
MOAA reviews some of the new and upgraded programs made possible by this year-end legislation.
The legislation holds providers accountable, establishes health care protocols, and addresses maintenance issues.
The government has fallen behind in helping spouses keep a career on the move. A fix could come in the must-pass NDAA.
Out-of-date data and limited feedback from servicemembers add more challenges to ever-present housing problems.