Washington State COC

Last updated 10/23/2024
Address 26308 NE 34th St
City, State, Zip Camas, WA 98607-8701
Meeting Time semi-annual
Meeting Place webinar location varies
Council Website None
Basic information
Address 26308 NE 34th St
City, State, Zip Camas, WA 98607-8701
Meeting Time semi-annual
Meeting Place webinar location varies
Council Website None
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name Terry L Sparks Ms. Dana J Clay David R Casteel
Retirement Status RET FRM RET
Phone Number (360) 544-2817 (360) 769-5653 (360) 834-2448
Email Address wic.moaa@gmail.com djclay@q.com shilohcamas@comcast.net
Name Terry L Sparks
Rank CDR
Service USN
Component USNR
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (360) 544-2817
Email Address wic.moaa@gmail.com
Name Ms. Dana J Clay
Service USN
Component USN
Retirement Status FRM
Phone Number (360) 769-5653
Email Address djclay@q.com
Name David R Casteel
Rank Col
Service USAF
Component USAF
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (360) 834-2448
Email Address shilohcamas@comcast.net


Never Stop Serving® and Never Stop Advocating The purpose of this Council is to promote the aims of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) • Further the legislative and other objectives of MOAA • Foster fraternal relationships among retired, active and former officers of the uniformed services and their National Guard or Reserve components. • Protect the rights and interests of retired, active, reserve and National Guard personnel of the uniformed services and their dependents and survivors. • Serve the community and the nation. • Advocate legislative and administrative actions to protect the rights and interests of service retirees and active duty military members in matters of state and federal legislation. • Provide the assistance necessary to member chapters to enable them to effectively serve their members their communities.

Information on Joining the Chapter

“Chapter” on this web page means Council. The council exists to support chapters as desired or required including two-way communications and information sharing, chapter visits, increasing membership and assisting in chapter knowledge of MOAA tools and offerings. MOAA conducts quarterly webinars with the council president. These webinars contain information and explanations of what’s happening at MOAA. MOAA asks councils to share this information with chapters. The membership of the Council shall be composed of local MOAA Chapters in good standing (i.e., dues current), herein referred to as member chapters, which are affiliated with MOAA and this Council. Any Washington State chapter affiliated with MOAA may become affiliated with the Council. Such affiliation does not authorize the Council to participate in the organizational or managerial affairs of the chapter unless requested by the chapter.

Chapter Activities

The Council started an incentive program in 2018 designed to encourage and promote community involvement. The incentive program works like this: chapters that participate in a community event that displays a MOAA chapter banner or flag and send the photo to the Treasurer and President, receives a $50.00 check from the Council to use as they see fit. The incentive was temporarily halted at the November 2019 meeting in order to build treasury funds in order to hold a state-wide conference/convention for all 9,000 MOAA members in Washington in the Fall of 2021. Note that COVID-19 restrictions in 2020 may cause the date to shift into 2022. Other activities: see Legislative section.

Legislative Issues

National: address legislative issues with Members of Congress. The Council participates annually in the Storm The Hill (STH) activities in Washington DC. The team visits all twelve offices of our Senators and Representatives. State: The Council is a one 17 VSOs on the Veterans Legislative Coalition (VLC) in Olympia. The purpose is to study, discuss, testify, and monitor veterans related bills. The VLC meets weekly during session starting the second Monday of January. The Council belongs to a national State Consortium comprised of MOAA Councils for the purpose of “comparing notes” about state level issues and successes. The Council nominates one of 17 VSO members to the Governor’s Veterans Affairs Advisory Council (VAAC) which meets with the governor twice a year. The VAAC conducts townhalls across the state co-hosted by the State Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA). The townhalls are an opportunity for veterans and agencies serving veterans to come to together and share information.

General Information

The Council meets at least two times a year to conduct business. Normally once in the Spring and once in the Fall. The spring meeting, usually after the Storming of the Hill, is done as a video tele conference with all the member chapters invited to participate. The fall meeting is an in-person meeting held in a location most accessible to all chapters. The fall meeting shall be the annual business meeting for determination of dues (as approved by the chapter presidents) for the following calendar year and, every odd-numbered year, for the election of officers for the coming biennium. The President may from time-to-time call special meetings of the officers or Council to conduct urgent business. Notice of any special meeting with a statement of the time, place, method (i.e., in person or by video) and information as to the subject or subjects to be considered shall be by mail or electronic means to each chapter president, council officer and appointed official of the Council. Member chapters must be in good standing (i.e., current dues paid) to vote at meetings of the council.

About Our Chapter

The Washington State Council of Chapters (WSCOC) is an affiliation of MOAA Chapters throughout Washington State. WSCOC is the state entity which provides support and assistance to member chapters. There are 10 MOAA Chapters in Washington of which nine are currently members of WSCOC. The council consists of five officers elected by the chapter presidents whose chapters are members in good standing of the council. The council officers are the President, VP for Legislative Affairs, VP for Chapter Affairs, VP for Surviving Spouses, and Secretary/Treasurer (currently the same person). In addition, the council nominates a member to serve on the Governor’s Veterans Affairs Advisory Council (VAAC). The term of office for elected officers is two years; for the VAAC it is four years. We encourage you to learn more about us at our website: https://washingtonstatemoaa.com and like and follow us on our Face Book page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/moaawashingtonstatecouncilofchapterswscoc/