Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter - MOAA

Last updated 2/7/2025
Address 750 N. Lincoln Memorial Dr. c/o Milwaukee County War Memorial Center (Suite 315)
City, State, Zip Milwaukee, WI 53202
Meeting Time Bi-monthly, Noon on Sundays
Meeting Place Various Restaurants
Council Website None
Basic information
Address 750 N. Lincoln Memorial Dr. c/o Milwaukee County War Memorial Center (Suite 315)
City, State, Zip Milwaukee, WI 53202
Meeting Time Bi-monthly, Noon on Sundays
Meeting Place Various Restaurants
Council Website None
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name Tim Wendt Glen A Armstrong Tim Wendt
Retirement Status RET RET RET
Phone Number (985) 630-2450 (414) 630-2484 (985) 630-2450
Email Address
Name Tim Wendt
Service USCG
Component USCG
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (985) 630-2450
Email Address
Name Glen A Armstrong
Rank COL
Service USA
Component USAR
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (414) 630-2484
Email Address
Name Tim Wendt
Service USCG
Component USCG
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (985) 630-2450
Email Address


The mission of the SE Wisconsin Chapter is to maintain a spirit of fellowship and camaraderie among retired, former and active duty commissioned and warrant officers of the Uniformed Services of the United States to include National Guard and Reserve components. Additionally, the chapter (though an independent, non-profit, apolitical organization) promotes and supports the aims of the national Military Officers Association of America in so far as those aims and objectives are congruent with the views of the membership of the chapter. Further, the chapter demonstrates strong support for local, state and national military activities by participating in selected community events. Finally, the chapter informs the membership of political and economic issues that are relevant to their entitlements and benefits.

Information on Joining the Chapter

Membership in this MOAA Chapter is open to anyone who holds or has ever held a commission or warrant in any component of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Space Force, Public Health Service or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and their surviving spouses. The Chapter serves the geographical region of South East Wisconsin; the postal zip codes are 530, 531, 532, 534. Generally, the area is 40 miles north of Milwaukee to south Milwaukee to the Illinois border and west half way to Madison. Individuals desiring to join this Chapter should contact either the Membership Chairman or the President listed above. The membership year is from 1 July until 30 June. The annual dues are $30 payable prior to 1 July. A Chapter Life Membership is available that ranges in price from $355 for age 50 and under to $180 for age 76 and older.

Chapter Activities

Annually, there are six chapter luncheons/meetings. These functions are held on Sundays at various restaurants during the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December. The August function is a picnic at the South Milwaukee Yacht Club. The luncheons/meetings include a variety of speakers or entertainment. The chapter also supports the Marquette ROTC Program (Army, Navy, and Air Force) with commissioning gold bars as well as MOAA medals and certificates. For the three Marquette ROTC components on a rotating basis, a scholarship is awarded annually. Additionally, the chapter provides MOAA medals and certificates to three Junior ROTC programs. Chapter members participate in the all the ROTC presentation ceremonies. Further, twice a year members of the chapter assist with the Milwaukee "Operation Stand Down" that provides help to homeless veterans.

Legislative Issues

The SE Wisconsin Chapter of MOAA promotes and supports the national legislative agenda in so far as the agenda is congruent with the views of the membership of the local chapter. Additionally, the chapter is a member of the Wisconsin Council of MOAA chapters. Through the council, various state veteran matters are monitored. As appropriate, chapter members are asked to write, email or call Congressional Representatives and Senators to express positions upon veteran or military issues. Similarly, State officials are contacted regarding veteran or military issues.

General Information

The chapter luncheons/meetings are usually held on Sundays at various restaurants. There is a social hour from 12 noon until 1 PM. Then lunch is served or a buffet line commences. In turn, our speaker makes a presentation lasting 30 minutes followed by a Q&A. Next, a brief meeting is held to conduct any necessary chapter business. Additionally, various door prizes are awarded. The entire event is concluded prior to 3 PM. Another important chapter service for the members is the publication of 6 newsletters that are mailed to members throughout the year.

About Our Chapter

The SE Wisconsin Chapter was chartered June 4, 1970. Currently, there are over 275 chapter members. In addition to the information provided in the website section entitled "Chapter Activities," the chapter supports the Toys for Tots program and the annual Veterans Day activities and dinner held at the Wisconsin War Memorial in Milwaukee. Chapter members also participate in Congressional outreach both in the local area and in MOAA's annual "Storming of the Hill" in Washington, D.C. Further, the chapter participates in the Retiree Days held in Milwaukee and at Fort McCoy. If you are a current, retired or former commissioned or warrant officer, please contact Rusty Armstrong, Membership Chairman, to discuss the value of becoming a chapter member. See the website section "Information on Joining the Chapter" for more membership information. 

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