Hot Springs Village Chapter of MOAA

Last updated 2/7/2025
Address PO Box 8801
City, State, Zip Hot Springs Village, AR 71910-8801
Meeting Time Second Monday of the Month 8am
Meeting Place Debra's Restaurant
Council Website
Basic information
Address PO Box 8801
City, State, Zip Hot Springs Village, AR 71910-8801
Meeting Time Second Monday of the Month 8am
Meeting Place Debra's Restaurant
Council Website
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name John D Weidert Clara Nicolosi Juergen Nolte
Rank Col CWO2 COL
Retirement Status RET RET RET
Phone Number (501) 915-0719 (501) 922-1625
Email Address
Name John D Weidert
Rank Col
Service USAF
Component USAF
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (501) 915-0719
Email Address
Name Clara Nicolosi
Rank CWO2
Service USCG
Component USCG
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number
Email Address
Name Juergen Nolte
Rank COL
Service USA
Component USA
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (501) 922-1625
Email Address


The mission of the MOAA Chapter is to benefit the members of the uniformed services, their families and survivors and to advocate for a strong national defense, while providing needed support to the community and its members.

Information on Joining the Chapter

Membership in the HSV MOAA Chapter is open to anyone who holds or has ever held a commission or warrant in any component of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and their surviving spouses. For further information and/or an application for membership please call CWO2 Clara Nicolosi at 501-984-3778 or e-mail:

Chapter Activities

In September/October the chapter sponsors a golf tournament and invites members of the various branches of the military. To date the guests have come from USAF, USA and USMC ,USN and Arkansas Wounded Warriors.  The general membership meeting and election of officers is held in November and the Christmas dinner is scheduled for early December. The chapter also participates in Hot Springs Village Veterans' Day activities and is one of the four organizations that established and still maintains the Hot Springs Village Veterans Memorial. The chapter annually provides a $1,000 scholarship to the Navy JROTC program at Hot Springs High School. The chapter continues to provide support to the active forces.

Legislative Issues

The MOAA Chapter supports the MOAA national legislative agenda and the chapter is also active in supporting the Arkansas Council of Chapters.

General Information

All activities of the chapter are announced through e-mails to the chapter members and the "Village Voice", the local newspaper. E-mail is the primary means of communication with chapter members.

About Our Chapter

The Hot Springs Village MOAA chapter was chartered on April 24, 1976 and serves Hot Springs Village and Hot Springs, Arkansas. Hot Springs Village is a retirement community in Central Arkansas located near Hot Springs, Arkansas. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at 8 am at Debra's Restaurant in Hot Springs Village except for July and August. Currently, the chapter has 55 members made up of active, former, and retired officers and their surviving spouses.