Join MOAA’s Work to Reduce Military Spouse Unemployment

Join MOAA’s Work to Reduce Military Spouse Unemployment
Military spouses network with prospective employers at the MilSpo Career Expo at Fort Bragg (now Fort Liberty), N.C., in 2022. (Photo by Audra Satterlee/Army)

Are you passionate about supporting military families and ensuring equal opportunities for military spouses? If so, we invite you to join MOAA, and our partners in The Military Coalition, in our efforts to enhance opportunities for military spouse employment through the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). The best part: You don’t have to travel to muggy D.C. to contact your lawmakers!


[TAKE ACTION: Urge Your Lawmakers to Support the Military Spouse Hiring Act]


Military spouses face unique challenges when it comes to finding and maintaining employment due to frequent relocations, deployments, and the demanding nature of military life. Businesses are reluctant to hire military spouses because of this myth that we’re too transient. However, military spouses are no more likely to leave a job than millennials, who make up the bulk of the workforce and, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only stay at a job for 2.8 years. 


The WOTC is a federal tax credit program designed to encourage businesses to hire individuals from target groups who face significant barriers to employment, such as ex-felons, veterans, and recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. This program provides financial incentives to employers who hire members of the target groups, making them more attractive candidates and increasing their chances of securing meaningful employment. The Military Spouse Hiring Act would introduce a new category for military spouses under the WOTC program.


MOAA has been at the forefront of advocating for military families for decades, and we are dedicated to supporting and empowering military spouses. By joining our efforts, you can help MOAA promote legislation to help address the staggeringly high unemployment rate among military spouses that has persisted for over a decade.


[RELATED: Ace These Common Questions for Military Spouses at Your Next Job Interview]


Here are some ways you can get involved:


Stay Informed: Keep up to date with the latest developments regarding the Military Spouse Hiring Act by subscribing to MOAA's newsletter, following our social media channels, and regularly visiting Staying informed will enable you to engage in meaningful discussions and advocate for change.


Share Your Story: If you are a military spouse who has faced challenges in finding employment, or you’ve experienced the benefits of WOTC firsthand, MOAA wants to hear from you. Personal stories have a powerful impact, and by sharing your experiences, you can raise awareness and rally support for our cause. You can connect with MOAA’s Government Relations team via email at


Engage With Lawmakers: MOAA’s Legislative Action Center makes it easy to reach out to your senators and representative to express your support for the expansion of the WOTC. Write letters and make phone calls to share your perspective and highlight the importance of this issue. Your voice matters, and lawmakers need to hear from their constituents to understand the significance of military spouse employment.


[RELATED: Executive Order Aims to Improve Economic Opportunity for Military and Veteran Spouses, Caregivers and Survivors]


Enhancing opportunities for military spouse employment is not just a matter of fairness; it is crucial for the well-being and financial stability of military families. The old adage, “You recruit the servicemember, you retain the family” is essential if you want the best and brightest in the all-volunteer force.


Act now and join MOAA’s efforts to get the Military Spouse Hiring Act across the finish line this year.


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About the Author

Jen Goodale
Jen Goodale

Goodale is MOAA's Director of Government Relations for Military Family and Survivor Policy.