Currently Serving Members and Spouses: Empower Your Voice With MOAA

Currently Serving Members and Spouses: Empower Your Voice With MOAA
Photo by Cpl. Alex Fairchild/Marine Corps

Are you a dedicated and passionate advocate for the rights and well-being of the uniformed services community? Do you want to actively contribute your insights and experiences to influence positive change for fellow servicemembers and their families?


[APPLY NOW: Join a MOAA Advisory Council]


Currently serving members of the uniformed services, and their spouses, add an essential voice to MOAA’s advocacy efforts. If you’re interested in joining one of our President’s Advisory Councils, or know of someone who is, here are some details to consider:


Currently Serving Advisory Council: Your Opportunity to Make a Difference

MOAA's Currently Serving Advisory Council plays a pivotal role in shaping policies and advocating for uniformed servicemembers and their families. As a council member, you will have the unique opportunity to provide direct feedback to MOAA's leadership and decision-makers, sharing your frontline experiences and insights. Your contribution will directly influence MOAA's advocacy initiatives, ensuring they remain relevant and responsive to the needs of currently serving members.


By joining the Currently Serving Advisory Council, you will:


Amplify Your Voice: MOAA provides a platform for your voice to be heard at the national level. Share your perspective on critical issues affecting servicemembers and help craft solutions that make a real impact.


Advocate for Positive Change: Be part of a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to effecting positive change within the military community. Your expertise will drive initiatives that create a lasting difference.


Expand Your Network: Connect with fellow servicemembers and leaders from various branches, career fields, and ranks. Build lasting relationships and collaborate on initiatives that transcend traditional boundaries.


[APPLY NOW: Join the Currently Serving Advisory Council]


Currently Serving Spouse Advisory Council: Empowering Military Spouses

Military spouses play a crucial role in supporting national security. MOAA recognizes the unique challenges military spouses face and seeks to empower them through the Spouse Advisory Council. As a council member, you will help MOAA understand the specific needs and concerns of military families and craft solutions that address these issues.


By joining the Spouse Advisory Council, you will:


Be a Voice for Military Spouses: Advocate for the interests and well-being of military spouses, helping MOAA tailor its support and resources to address their unique challenges.


Impact Policy Decisions: Share your experiences and insights to inform policy decisions that directly impact military families, contributing to positive changes that benefit spouses nationwide.


Join a Supportive Community: Connect with other military spouses who share your passion for making a difference. Collaborate on projects and initiatives that enhance the quality of life for all military families.


[APPLY NOW: Join the Currently Serving Spouse Advisory Council]


Both councils are accepting online membership applications; click here to learn more and to apply.


Making a Difference in Military Life 

Military spouse blogger Mrs. Navy Mama shares her support of MOAA’s efforts to help military families and how you can get involved.  

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About the Author

Jen Goodale
Jen Goodale

Goodale is MOAA's Director of Government Relations for Military Family and Survivor Policy.