What's Your Next Step in Life?

Transitioning to civilian life isn’t easy. MOAA is here to help. Take the first step by downloading our Transition Guide.

Equipping you for what’s ahead

Your military experience has prepared you for many of the challenges you’ll face as you transition into the civilian world. Download MOAA’s Transition Guide, and we will help you navigate those challenges and leverage that experience so that you can start your new civilian life with confidence.

Already a member? Log in to access and download your guide.

The following information is required to download the white paper. You will be able to opt out of any future communications. MOAA will not sell or share personal information. 

Personal Info (Required)
Military Status (Required)
Service Experience (Required)
Create Account (Required)
Password must be at least 7 characters

Not a MOAA member yet? If eligible, you'll automatically receive a limited-time BASIC Membership at no cost to you. This membership will grant you access to tailored benefits and resources to help you and your family at every stage of life and career.