LIFE Membership

Receive a lifetime of rewards - as a LIFE member!



As a LIFE Member, you’ll make a lifetime investment for yourself and your loved ones. Plus, you’ll have access to exclusive privileges and benefits.

Lifelong Recognition.

As a LIFE Member, you'll enjoy recognition as an ardent supporter of MOAA's legislative priorities.

Protection for Your Spouse.

LIFE Member privileges automatically transfer to your spouse after your death at no extra cost. Guaranteed! It's an easy way to ensure your spouse has help sorting through your military benefits.

Financial Security.

With one financial transaction, you can pay for a lifetime of valuable benefits and avoid future annual dues increases. WE will give you full credit for the unused portion of any current annual dues.

Significantly Reduced Initiation Fees at the Army and Navy Club in Washington D.C.
As a MOAA LIFE Member, you’ll receive all of MOAA’s PREMIUM benefits – plus more – for life. Additional benefits include significantly reduced initiation fees at the Army and Navy Club of Washington, D.C., spouse protection, and direct access to MOAA staff experts.


Take advantage of this special opportunity. Become a LIFE Member now.