
VA Benefits

Add Your Dependents to Your VA Claim

Did you know that if you receive a VA disability rating of 30% or higher you can receive an additional payment for your dependents? You do now. Here is a brief summary of rules and forms that you will

VA Benefits

Battling Bureaucracy 101

There are thousands of well meaning people waiting to help you with your claim at the VA. However, before you get your information to one of these well meaning people, you must battle through the bureaucracy. The

VA Benefits

Coaching into Care

If you know a veteran reluctant to receive the mental health care that they need, please consider using this resource provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

VA Benefits

An Introduction to Concurrent Receipt- CRDP/CRSC

I was asked to conduct a presentation recently about the basics of the concurrent receipt programs–CRDP and CRSC. Here is the presentation walking through some of the programs’ details. I hope you find this presentation helpful as you plan around

VA Benefits

Big Vets Bills Blocked

Just before the holidays, S. 944, a so called “Omnibus” package that bundles many bills previously approved by the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee (SVAC), was brought to the Floor for a vote by panel Chairman Bernie

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