5 Considerations Before Taking a New Job

5 Considerations Before Taking a New Job
Yuri Arcurs/GettyImages

The U.S. economic outlook, boosted with optimism surrounding the recent tax reform law, continues to demonstrate steady GDP growth of about 3 percent and a national unemployment rate well below historical averages, of around 4 percent. In this promising environment, you might be considering or actively seeking career advancement opportunities. In fact, maybe even a recruiter or colleague has contacted you about possible positions and openings for which you are ideally suited as a competitive candidate.

Make sure to look before you leap. Get the facts. Simply being offered what appears to be an interesting position, in a great location, with good people and a nice salary is only the beginning. As you evaluate your current position with competing opportunities, it's important to consider the trade-offs of each. For example:

  • What is your current overall compensation? A higher salary doesn't always translate to more money in your pocket.
  • What is your current level of job satisfaction? Are you sacrificing passion for just a higher salary?
  • What is your current level of responsibility? Are you trading this for a title or organizational position yet lesser authority?
  • What is your current work/life balance? How will this new higher-power role affect your personal and family time?
  • What is your current opportunity for professional growth? Does this new position offer upward mobility potential in the short and long term?

The grass is not always greener on the other side. People have their own individual priorities, but being happy and fulfilled in your job is critically important to your quality of life. Take the time to analyze your options and make a truly informed decision.